Production year 2001


Original title: Sviests
English title: Butter
Directed by: Arnis Kundziņš, Roberts Vinovskis
Cinematography by: Gvido Skulte
Screenplay by: Arnis Kundziņš, Roberts Vinovskis
Sound direction by: Normunds Deinats
Producer: Roberts Vinovskis, Jānis Vaišļa
Produced by: Studio Locomotive
Music composer: Uldis Marhilēvičs
Main cast: Jānis Vaišļa, Roberts Gobziņš, Javier Manzur Garsia, Dzintars Zariņš, Baiba Sipeniece-Gavare, Arnis Līcītis, Christopher Ejugbo, Peter Mensah, Jānis Strautnieks, Uģis Vītols, Irbe Treile, Viesturs Strautnieks, Arnis Kundziņš, Roberts Vinovskis.
Studio: Studio Locomotive
Country: Latvia link link


In his time, biologist Jacob von Uexküll wrote: “In a fly’s world there are only “fly things”, in a sea urchins world, there are only “sea urchin” things. ” This will be story about a General in which there will be only “General things”…

Distribution details:

Released: 2001
Original format length:  28min 24fps
Audio languages: Latvian